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Mold can be found almost everywhere. Wherever there is a more than a normal amount of moisture, mold will follow. Since Central Florida is known for its warm tropical climate, this leaves your HVAC system and all of its components at major risk. Mold is a fungus that grows throughout the inside and outside air floating and landing in moist environments. If you leave your HVAC system unmanaged, mold can spread into the air of your home impacting you and your family’s health. Here are two easy ways to be able to detect and spot mold growth anywhere.

Seek. Looking for mold in your home is usually the easiest and quickest way to find it. If your home feels humid, make it a habit to walk through and inspect your home thoroughly every week, to catch any new mold growth. If you do not see any mold visible, you may still be at risk. Checking for blocked drains, moist vents and any sitting water also needs to be enforced in order to keep your home healthy and clean.

Smell. Even though mold is sometimes hard to find with the eye, using your nose is another effective way to detect its growth. Mold when growing spells strong of mildew that can easily be spread throughout your home. If you happen to sniff out this smell, try turning your HVAC system off. If the smell goes away when it is off and comes right back when it is turned on again, you could possibly have mold growing in your air ducts.

Mold growth in the outside environment is natural and can also be beneficial for outside. However, when indoors, mold becomes toxic and hazardous to your healthy especially your lungs. Breathing in unhealthy air filled with mold leads to respiratory problems as well as allergies and asthma. Some molds are so toxic they can lead to brain problems and even death. Being aware of the warning signs of mold in your home is vital to you and your family’s well-being.

ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialist in Orlando

ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialist in Orlando is known for being a company that genuinely cares about people and values their business. Our services include: Orlando Air Conditioning Service, Orlando Air Conditioning Installation, Orlando Air Conditioning Repair, Orlando Heating Service, Orlando Heating Installation & Orlando Heating Repair. Our commitment to service is why customer referrals are our number one source of new business. If you are looking for a quality HVAC repair company in the Orlando area, ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialist, Inc. is the company for you. Please call us at (407) 282-2280 today.

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