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Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Might Not Be Working Upstairs

The air near your ceiling is for sure warmer than the air near the floor and you probably remember at some point feeling warmer upstairs than you do downstairs. Even though the difference in temperature is only different by a degree or two, this minor difference paired together with other issues in your home can … Continued





HVAC Care for All Pet Owner's Out There

As a pet owner, we are all aware of the things we have had to sacrifice in order to keep our faithful furry companions around. Dander and hair from your pet are among a couple of the most annoying and irritating downsides of housing a dog or cat. When these particles are floating around in … Continued





Hurricane Season and Your HVAC System

If you live in Central Florida, you’re aware that Hurricane season is upon us and that the upcoming months are the most active of all. Hurricanes are virtually unpredictable, so it’s important to be prepared for heavy rain, damaging winds and debris. Here are some precautions to keep in mind when preparing for this hurricane … Continued





Setting and Saving While on Vacation

We’re now in the middle of summer and what that means for most families is prime vacation time. If you are getting ready to hit the road for your summer getaway, then there is no need to worry about your home and what temperature you think it must be set at in order to not … Continued





How Paint Color Affects Energy Efficiency

One of the fun things about being a homeowner is that you have the choice to do pretty much whatever you want when it comes to decor and design. But with all this freedom comes responsibility and it is wise to know what colors will affect your home’s ambiance as well as its efficiency. You … Continued





Dirty Filter Truths

Ever wonder how your HVAC System’s airflow works? Well, like the human respiratory system breathing in and out, so too does your HVAC system. Just like us, your HVAC System needs both clean air and open airflow to keep functioning properly and efficiently. If this basic function is compromised, it will suffer and eventually give … Continued





How to Prevent Your HVAC System from Pests

In order for your HVAC System to function properly there must be a balance between the exchange of indoor and outdoor air. This can leave an opening for any type of pests and critters to come crawling in from the outside. Usually, well- maintained HVAC systems protect these things from happening however these well-known unwanted … Continued





The 411 About Carbon Monoxide

When it comes to carbon monoxide your life can potentially be at serious risk. Carbon monoxide poisoning affects over 20,000 people per year with a small percentage of those cases resulting in death according to the Centers for Disease Control. Your risk for carbon monoxide poisoning is much higher in the wintertime due to fuel … Continued





Is It Safe To Run Your A/C Unit During A Central Florida Thunderstorm

During Central Florida’s summer months, we expect to have afternoon thunderstorms daily, with hot and humid temperatures present before and after the storm. This obviously makes you want to turn on the air conditioner and create your most comfortable environment. However, turning on your A/C while a thunderstorm is taking place could pose a threat … Continued





Signs of Mold and the Effect it has on Your HVAC

Mold can be found almost everywhere. Wherever there is a more than a normal amount of moisture, mold will follow. Since Central Florida is known for its warm tropical climate, this leaves your HVAC system and all of its components at major risk. Mold is a fungus that grows throughout the inside and outside air … Continued


Cooling Service

Recognizing the necessity of proactive service, ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists Inc. makes it easy.

Heating Service

Recognizing the importance of proactive maintenance, ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists Inc. provides prompt scheduling, affordable pricing, and quick turnaround.

Commercial HVAC

ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists Inc. provides an expert and affordable source for a full range of commercial HVAC services in Central Florida.

Indoor Air Quality

Contact ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists Inc. for an Indoor Air Quality audit, customized plan of action, and free estimate.

Comfort Club

ABC Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists Inc. offers seasonal maintenance plans to keep your HVAC equipment running at its best.

Special Offers

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Viera West, FL

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